Replacement Cartridges for Rejuva 7D HIFU Machine

$253.00 USD Sale Save
Depth 1.5mm for Face

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Achieve natural-looking, surgery-free anti-aging, face lifting, body firming, and body contouring results with Rejuva Fresh 7D HIFU Machine.  Expertly designed for safe and effective use.

Order replacement cartridges in advance to avoid running out.

  • Each cartridge has 20,000 shots.  
  • Approximately 500 shots are needed per treatment session.
  • Approximately 40 treatment sessions per cartridge.
  • Cost per treatment is less than $7.


Water must be added to the cartridges of your HIFU machines prior to use, and the cartridge must be completely 100% full. Why is full water necessary? Water is an energy conductor, and without water the focused ultrasound cannot be properly transmitted. Furthermore, if you don’t add water, the cartridges may become damaged. Please take care to follow installation instructions. Thank you!

    How does 7D HIFU & MMFU work? 

    7D HIFU uses a system involving high intensity micro & macro focused ultrasound (MMFU).  

    • With the same focused energy, larger focused “macro” points can effectively reduce the treatment time for fat reduction on body parts.
    • For facial  treatment, highly focused “micro” points are used to achieve the best results in lifting and skin tightening.
    • The treatment effectively delivers focused ultrasound energy to the same foundational layer (SMAS) as does cosmetic surgery, while being completely non-invasive.
    • In contrast to other forms of energy devices, such as lasers and radio frequency, 7D HIFU passes through the skin, leaving it untouched, to deliver the focused energy at optimal depths.


      1.5mm for face(standard, one included with the machine)

      2.0mm for face (standard, one included with the machine)

      3.0mm for face (standard, one included with the machine)

      4.5mm for face (standard, one included with the machine)

      6.0mm for fat reduction (standard, one included with the machine)

      9.0mm for fat reduction (standard, one included with the machine)

      13.0mm for fat reduction (standard, one included with the machine)

      Download Instructions 



      How EMShape® Neo Works:

      • EMShape® Neo uses a unique applicator, which releases synchronized RF + HICMMT energies.
      • RF heating causes a rapid increase in muscle temperature, acting as a warmup for the supramaximal workout. Additionally fat cells reaches a point of apoptosis, resulting in fat cell damage and removal from the body.
      • By surpassing the restrictions of the brain, HICMMT engages the muscle fibers in the targeted area at levels that cannot be reached through voluntary exercise. Intense stimulation forces muscle fibers to adapt and increase in number and size.
      • Clinical trials demonstrated a typical decrease of 32% in subcutaneous fat and a 28% growth in muscle volume.

      Involuntary supramaximal workout

      Clinical Trials:

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